The Irish Brigade Lyrics And Guitar Chords
The Irish Brigade started out playing rebel songs in the early eighties and are still going strong today. The song lyrics and chords here are the band's most popular songs. They write most of their songs themselves but also cover most of the older rebel songs that were big hits for the Clancy Brothers and The Wolfe Tones in previous years. The group come from Co. Tyrone and have recorded at least ten albums. They recorded many more songs than are on this page but may be found on other parts of the site.
A Prisoner's Christmas
Auf Wiedersehen Crossmaglen
A Father's Blessing
Ambush at Clonoe
Bobby Sands From Belfast
The Banks Of Marble
Big Bank Job
The Ballad Of Pat O'Donnell
The Extradition Song
Farewell to Bellaghy
Going Home At Last
Go On Home British Soldiers
Hughes Lives On
Lurgan Ambush
Give Me The Irish Republican Army
Three Volunteers
The Warrior From West Belfast
We're Celts
The Loughgall Ambush
Auf Wiedersehen Crossmaglen
A Father's Blessing
Ambush at Clonoe
Bobby Sands From Belfast
The Banks Of Marble
Big Bank Job
The Ballad Of Pat O'Donnell
The Extradition Song
Farewell to Bellaghy
Going Home At Last
Go On Home British Soldiers
Hughes Lives On
Lurgan Ambush
Give Me The Irish Republican Army
Three Volunteers
The Warrior From West Belfast
We're Celts
The Loughgall Ambush
Ireland's 32
Harp Without A Crown
I'd Love To Shove Her
Ireland United Gaelic And Free
The Man From The Daily Mail
Paul Magorrian
The Prisoner's Anthem
Kieran's Song
Free And Green
The Roll Of Honour
The Sam Song
Tom Williams
Ten Forgotten Men
The Two Brendans
Long Held In Chains
The H-Block Song
Pearse Jordan
Shoot To Kill
The Sinn Fein Train
Harp Without A Crown
I'd Love To Shove Her
Ireland United Gaelic And Free
The Man From The Daily Mail
Paul Magorrian
The Prisoner's Anthem
Kieran's Song
Free And Green
The Roll Of Honour
The Sam Song
Tom Williams
Ten Forgotten Men
The Two Brendans
Long Held In Chains
The H-Block Song
Pearse Jordan
Shoot To Kill
The Sinn Fein Train
Below is the PDF Ebook of folk songs lyrics and chords. The songs are in 3 different keys, There's over 500 songs in the ebook. Most have only 3 easy chords.
Price €8.90 . I'll email the ebook after payment.
Price €8.90 . I'll email the ebook after payment.

Songs are an important part of a people's resistance to oppression. In times of despair songs or war tunes life our spirits. songs commemorate fallen heroes or retell notable events. Rebel songs show that we cannot and will not be beaten. Of course ballads on their own cannot defeat any enemy, or can they.
In the H-Blocks of Long Kesh or in the dungeons of Armagh Women's prison songs became a weapon in the prisoner's arsenal. Ballads showed their defiance and broke the spirits of their captors. The songs were sung in Irish, sung without accompaniment ''Sean Nos'' style, tunes echoing along quiet corridors, from behind cell doors rising in solidarity. Prisoners sang political songs, old rebel tunes and new ballads.
In the H-Blocks of Long Kesh or in the dungeons of Armagh Women's prison songs became a weapon in the prisoner's arsenal. Ballads showed their defiance and broke the spirits of their captors. The songs were sung in Irish, sung without accompaniment ''Sean Nos'' style, tunes echoing along quiet corridors, from behind cell doors rising in solidarity. Prisoners sang political songs, old rebel tunes and new ballads.
Colum Marks by Damien Quinn
[E]On Wednesday 10th of [A]April in the [E]year of [A]'9[E]1,
A volunteer in Down[A]patrick [E]lay, his [C#m]work was not yet [A]done,
For while [E]going to take a po[A]sit[E]ion and [C#m]travelling un[A]armed,
He was [E]gunned down by British [A]death squads not [E]far from the [A]Model [E]Farm.
[E]No warning cry was [A]given as [E]flares light [A]up the [E]sky,
A shoot to kill was [A]ord[E]ered, for they [C#m]said that man must [A]die,
Though [E]lying badly [A]in[E]jured they [C#m]dragged him to a [A]spot.
It was [E]there they kicked and [A]beat him for [E]he would [A]not give [E]up.
[E]From boyhoods prime to [A]manhood's [E]bloom for [C#m]Éireann he worked and [A]fought,
Un[E]til the day he [A]met his doom, no [E]rank or [A]honour [E]sought.
While grass grows green in Erin we'll [C#m]think of Colum [A]Marks,
We'll [E]sing his praise [A]over hill and dale, when [E]grief and [A]doom are [E]dark.
Bleeding and dying lay Ireland's great defender,
No earthly aid could save him for his wounds were old and new.
For he fought and died for Ireland and yes he left his mark,
And to join the Irish martyrs goes the soul of Colum Marks.
Arrested and beaten many times before,
His long campaign against British claim, it lead him to the fore.
We'll keep the flag held flying till we're free from England's shame,
A soldier true, goodbye to you, until we meet again.
Brendan Watters by Damian Quinn
[D]He came from old New[G]ry in the [Em]County of Down,
He [A]hated the Brits the RU[G]C and the [D]Crown,
But now you are free in a [Em]land we've not seen,
In the [A]fight for Ireland's freedom we will [G]keep your memo[D]ry
Oh Brendan, dear [C]Brendan the [G]brave and the [Em]bold,
You [A]fought for old Ireland the [G]green white and [D]gold,
You loved dear old [C]Ireland your [G]country un[Em]free,
You de[A]fied English laws to a[G]chieve liber[D]ty.
So gallant young man won't you listen and pray?
To the voice of young Brendan, your memories are the same.
Will you fight for your country and make Brendan's day,
Will you follow the cause and come join the IRA?
Volunteer Brendan Watters you are gone from the fold,
Dear old Ireland's the place and the country you loved.
Oh England, cruel England we know we will win,
For we've brave men like Brendan who just won't give in.
Death Before Revenge
By G. Breslin, Pangur Bán
[G]Call me what you will
And [C]tell me what they [Am]say,
For to[D]morrow brings a new wind
And the [C]rain has gone a[G]way
For within these walls I see the sun
As it [C]shines over the [Am]hill
[D]Down into the valleys
And a[C]mongst the [G]daffodils
But [C]when this war is [D]over and I [G]see your face a[Em]gain
Then I´ll [G]tell you of the warriors who put [D]death before re[G]venge
[G]Now here we starve in prison to sup[C]port our fellow [Am]men
Who have [D]only a woollen blanket
And the cruci[C]fix in their [G]hand
Bitter screws harrass and give them hell
but their [C]spirits they cannot [Am]break
Hold your [D]chins up lads keep marching on“
We don't [C]think she'll [G]leave it too late
[Mandolin solo]
[G] [C][Am][D][C][Am][G]
[G] [C][Am][D][C][G]
[G]Oh Bobby [D]was the [G]first to go, with [C]Francis close be[Am]hind
The [D]people streamed onto the streets
To have [C]faith was [Am]not a [G]crime
And faith is what those men had
When they [C]chose to join our [Am]fight
Their [D]actions were political
Can't those [C]British [Am]see we're [G]right?
The days rolled by and two more died
O´Hara and McCreesh
Still Thatcher chose to bite her lip
The toll was not to see it
Still the barricades went up by day
As the bullets hummed by night
How much longer will they keep this path
There is still no end inside
It´s a dreadful thing that these men joined
Our ranks of martyred braves,
That´s ten too many coffin nails
Kicked coldly to their graves
But if they only realise and Thatcher make us well,
They are ten more determined reasons
For to break out of this hell
The ballad of James Joseph Connolly by the Irish Brigade
[F]James Joseph [Gm]Connolly knew [C]freedom's cause was [F]bright,
[Dm]Like his namesake [Gm]of 16 stepped [C]forward for the [F]fight
The battlecry of [Gm]ancient times, the [C]call of liber[F]ty
With [Dm]valiant heart you [Gm]played your part to [C]set your country [F]free
Captured and badly [Gm]injured in the [C]greatest of [F]pain
With[Dm]out fear this [Gm]Volunteer re[C]fused to give his [F]name
Your father at your [Gm]bedside slow[C]ly watched you [F]die
He [Dm]could not even [Gm]hold you close to [C]say a last good[F]bye
Injustice and oppression are the reasons for this war
Each volunteer who gave his life knew what he was fighting for,
The right of the Irish nation to this land their own
To end hatred and bigotry, to rule ourselves alone
Through centuries of English rule we've never cried defeat,
They've used so many brutal ways our resistance for to beat
Our day of freedom soon will come to the dawning of the day,
If we're courageous and determined, Joseph Connolly showed the way.
The loss of Harvey and McGlynn in Castlederg (can't make out this line)
Loughall and Drumnakilly, foul murders at Clonoe,
Strabane lost Charlie Breslin, David and Michael Devine,
Tyrone's brave young fighting men who dared to cross the line
Joseph Connolly fearless to the end now joins that patriot band,
Men who died on active service to (??) from our land
Each sacrifice speaks a thousand words, and hold each name with pride
For Ireland free one way will fly the flag for which they died
The seasons change 'round Agharyarn, swift the years roll by
Above the fields the hills and glens the curlew swoops and flies
There's not a day that passes we do not speak your name,
Of the day you died for Ireland, that day of grief and pain
Your boots still on your granny's chair, a coat behind the door
Your laughter Josie your gentle ways lost forever more
There's joy and there's sorrow, we softly speak your name,
A sad and a lonely home that will never be the same
Seamus McElwain by the Irish Brigade
The Irish Brigade play this song in the key of Eb
[D]All along Erin's border the news quickly [A]spread,
Another foul ambush a Volunteer [D]dead,
Oh sad were our hearts as we whispered the [A]name,
For that brave freedom fighter was [D]called McElwain
Through the fields of Fermanagh and the hills of Ty[A]rone
Through Cavan and Leitrim your exploits were [D]known
Those cowardly forces they cringed at your [A]name
They had cause to remember the [D]bold McElwain
[D]We salute you brave Seamus it's a soldiers fare[A]well
Our grief at you passing these words cannot [D]tell
Your lifeblood for Ireland did not flow in [A]vain
With Hughes and O'Hanlon now [D]stands McElwain
Your love for your country you could not restrain
That patriots fever it burned on your veins
You answered the call for to fight Ireland's foe
And you made England pay for eight hundred years war
In those cages of H-Block you never gave in
Though they stripped you and beat you they never could win,
You inspired the hearts of the bold 38
Long Kesh couldn't hold you, you smashed through the gate
On that April morning near the breaking of day
The SAS waited in a field near Roslea
With Seán Lynch, your brave comrade you were wounded and held
When they found who they'd captured they were tortured and killed
Round your Monaghan home all the black flags did wave
In thousands we followed to honour your grave
Your comrades in arms marched with you all the way
It was a final farewell from the bold IRA
The Ballad of Seamus "Rocky" Burns
Air: The West's Asleep
By Seamus/Jimmy Steele
"Dear Ireland take him to thy breast,
This soldier son who for thee died:
Within thy bosom let him rest,
Among the martyred sanctified.
He walked your hard and blood-stained way,
To succour you from alien sway,
Nor deemed your price too great to pay,
To work and die for Freedom's day
His youthful years for thee he spent,
Within the prison bars of the foe.
Until their prison bars he rent,
To serve you still in weal and woe.
They tracked him with their might and power,
These human blood hounds crossed his way
Dear Ireland this was but the hour
You asked of him death's price to pay.
With gun in hand he faced their might,
Brave dauntless soldier of the Gael.
A soldier's death, his last great fight,
Before their guns he did not quail.
How eagerly he heard your call,
How bravely for thee he died:
None greater in the cause to fall,
None nobler 'mong the glorified.
Dear Ireland take thy hallowed name,
Of Seamus Burns forever be,
Remembered in your song of Fame,
Of those who died to set thee free,
Such sacrifices will thou e'er need,
Such Royal blood must flow for thee,
Until the fruit of Freedom's seed,
Shall blossom forth to victory.
[E]On Wednesday 10th of [A]April in the [E]year of [A]'9[E]1,
A volunteer in Down[A]patrick [E]lay, his [C#m]work was not yet [A]done,
For while [E]going to take a po[A]sit[E]ion and [C#m]travelling un[A]armed,
He was [E]gunned down by British [A]death squads not [E]far from the [A]Model [E]Farm.
[E]No warning cry was [A]given as [E]flares light [A]up the [E]sky,
A shoot to kill was [A]ord[E]ered, for they [C#m]said that man must [A]die,
Though [E]lying badly [A]in[E]jured they [C#m]dragged him to a [A]spot.
It was [E]there they kicked and [A]beat him for [E]he would [A]not give [E]up.
[E]From boyhoods prime to [A]manhood's [E]bloom for [C#m]Éireann he worked and [A]fought,
Un[E]til the day he [A]met his doom, no [E]rank or [A]honour [E]sought.
While grass grows green in Erin we'll [C#m]think of Colum [A]Marks,
We'll [E]sing his praise [A]over hill and dale, when [E]grief and [A]doom are [E]dark.
Bleeding and dying lay Ireland's great defender,
No earthly aid could save him for his wounds were old and new.
For he fought and died for Ireland and yes he left his mark,
And to join the Irish martyrs goes the soul of Colum Marks.
Arrested and beaten many times before,
His long campaign against British claim, it lead him to the fore.
We'll keep the flag held flying till we're free from England's shame,
A soldier true, goodbye to you, until we meet again.
Brendan Watters by Damian Quinn
[D]He came from old New[G]ry in the [Em]County of Down,
He [A]hated the Brits the RU[G]C and the [D]Crown,
But now you are free in a [Em]land we've not seen,
In the [A]fight for Ireland's freedom we will [G]keep your memo[D]ry
Oh Brendan, dear [C]Brendan the [G]brave and the [Em]bold,
You [A]fought for old Ireland the [G]green white and [D]gold,
You loved dear old [C]Ireland your [G]country un[Em]free,
You de[A]fied English laws to a[G]chieve liber[D]ty.
So gallant young man won't you listen and pray?
To the voice of young Brendan, your memories are the same.
Will you fight for your country and make Brendan's day,
Will you follow the cause and come join the IRA?
Volunteer Brendan Watters you are gone from the fold,
Dear old Ireland's the place and the country you loved.
Oh England, cruel England we know we will win,
For we've brave men like Brendan who just won't give in.
Death Before Revenge
By G. Breslin, Pangur Bán
[G]Call me what you will
And [C]tell me what they [Am]say,
For to[D]morrow brings a new wind
And the [C]rain has gone a[G]way
For within these walls I see the sun
As it [C]shines over the [Am]hill
[D]Down into the valleys
And a[C]mongst the [G]daffodils
But [C]when this war is [D]over and I [G]see your face a[Em]gain
Then I´ll [G]tell you of the warriors who put [D]death before re[G]venge
[G]Now here we starve in prison to sup[C]port our fellow [Am]men
Who have [D]only a woollen blanket
And the cruci[C]fix in their [G]hand
Bitter screws harrass and give them hell
but their [C]spirits they cannot [Am]break
Hold your [D]chins up lads keep marching on“
We don't [C]think she'll [G]leave it too late
[Mandolin solo]
[G] [C][Am][D][C][Am][G]
[G] [C][Am][D][C][G]
[G]Oh Bobby [D]was the [G]first to go, with [C]Francis close be[Am]hind
The [D]people streamed onto the streets
To have [C]faith was [Am]not a [G]crime
And faith is what those men had
When they [C]chose to join our [Am]fight
Their [D]actions were political
Can't those [C]British [Am]see we're [G]right?
The days rolled by and two more died
O´Hara and McCreesh
Still Thatcher chose to bite her lip
The toll was not to see it
Still the barricades went up by day
As the bullets hummed by night
How much longer will they keep this path
There is still no end inside
It´s a dreadful thing that these men joined
Our ranks of martyred braves,
That´s ten too many coffin nails
Kicked coldly to their graves
But if they only realise and Thatcher make us well,
They are ten more determined reasons
For to break out of this hell
The ballad of James Joseph Connolly by the Irish Brigade
[F]James Joseph [Gm]Connolly knew [C]freedom's cause was [F]bright,
[Dm]Like his namesake [Gm]of 16 stepped [C]forward for the [F]fight
The battlecry of [Gm]ancient times, the [C]call of liber[F]ty
With [Dm]valiant heart you [Gm]played your part to [C]set your country [F]free
Captured and badly [Gm]injured in the [C]greatest of [F]pain
With[Dm]out fear this [Gm]Volunteer re[C]fused to give his [F]name
Your father at your [Gm]bedside slow[C]ly watched you [F]die
He [Dm]could not even [Gm]hold you close to [C]say a last good[F]bye
Injustice and oppression are the reasons for this war
Each volunteer who gave his life knew what he was fighting for,
The right of the Irish nation to this land their own
To end hatred and bigotry, to rule ourselves alone
Through centuries of English rule we've never cried defeat,
They've used so many brutal ways our resistance for to beat
Our day of freedom soon will come to the dawning of the day,
If we're courageous and determined, Joseph Connolly showed the way.
The loss of Harvey and McGlynn in Castlederg (can't make out this line)
Loughall and Drumnakilly, foul murders at Clonoe,
Strabane lost Charlie Breslin, David and Michael Devine,
Tyrone's brave young fighting men who dared to cross the line
Joseph Connolly fearless to the end now joins that patriot band,
Men who died on active service to (??) from our land
Each sacrifice speaks a thousand words, and hold each name with pride
For Ireland free one way will fly the flag for which they died
The seasons change 'round Agharyarn, swift the years roll by
Above the fields the hills and glens the curlew swoops and flies
There's not a day that passes we do not speak your name,
Of the day you died for Ireland, that day of grief and pain
Your boots still on your granny's chair, a coat behind the door
Your laughter Josie your gentle ways lost forever more
There's joy and there's sorrow, we softly speak your name,
A sad and a lonely home that will never be the same
Seamus McElwain by the Irish Brigade
The Irish Brigade play this song in the key of Eb
[D]All along Erin's border the news quickly [A]spread,
Another foul ambush a Volunteer [D]dead,
Oh sad were our hearts as we whispered the [A]name,
For that brave freedom fighter was [D]called McElwain
Through the fields of Fermanagh and the hills of Ty[A]rone
Through Cavan and Leitrim your exploits were [D]known
Those cowardly forces they cringed at your [A]name
They had cause to remember the [D]bold McElwain
[D]We salute you brave Seamus it's a soldiers fare[A]well
Our grief at you passing these words cannot [D]tell
Your lifeblood for Ireland did not flow in [A]vain
With Hughes and O'Hanlon now [D]stands McElwain
Your love for your country you could not restrain
That patriots fever it burned on your veins
You answered the call for to fight Ireland's foe
And you made England pay for eight hundred years war
In those cages of H-Block you never gave in
Though they stripped you and beat you they never could win,
You inspired the hearts of the bold 38
Long Kesh couldn't hold you, you smashed through the gate
On that April morning near the breaking of day
The SAS waited in a field near Roslea
With Seán Lynch, your brave comrade you were wounded and held
When they found who they'd captured they were tortured and killed
Round your Monaghan home all the black flags did wave
In thousands we followed to honour your grave
Your comrades in arms marched with you all the way
It was a final farewell from the bold IRA
The Ballad of Seamus "Rocky" Burns
Air: The West's Asleep
By Seamus/Jimmy Steele
"Dear Ireland take him to thy breast,
This soldier son who for thee died:
Within thy bosom let him rest,
Among the martyred sanctified.
He walked your hard and blood-stained way,
To succour you from alien sway,
Nor deemed your price too great to pay,
To work and die for Freedom's day
His youthful years for thee he spent,
Within the prison bars of the foe.
Until their prison bars he rent,
To serve you still in weal and woe.
They tracked him with their might and power,
These human blood hounds crossed his way
Dear Ireland this was but the hour
You asked of him death's price to pay.
With gun in hand he faced their might,
Brave dauntless soldier of the Gael.
A soldier's death, his last great fight,
Before their guns he did not quail.
How eagerly he heard your call,
How bravely for thee he died:
None greater in the cause to fall,
None nobler 'mong the glorified.
Dear Ireland take thy hallowed name,
Of Seamus Burns forever be,
Remembered in your song of Fame,
Of those who died to set thee free,
Such sacrifices will thou e'er need,
Such Royal blood must flow for thee,
Until the fruit of Freedom's seed,
Shall blossom forth to victory.