The Drunken Dream Lyrics And Chords By Seamus Moore
The Drunken Dream Lyrics And Chords. While this song eventually turns into a nightmare there's another more easy to listen to song called Dreaming My Dreams Song by Finbar Furey and his brothers.These song lyrics and melody were written by Frank Riggs. Seamus Moore sings this song in the key of Bb. I changed the guitar chords to the easy key of D Major. [ Genre = Irish funny song lyrics ]
[D]I woke up this morning sure me [G]head was throbbing sore
My [A]buddies McHale an Irwin led me astray the night before
I [D]broke me way along the wall 'till I [G]found the bathroom door
Me [A]tongue stuck to the roof of me mouth, oh never again I swore.
I looked out the window, ah sure what else could I do,
Some rotten git had painted me little white van blue
I rubbed me eyes in disbelife afraid to shake me head
I jumped back into the nest and covered up me head.
Oh the rats were playing football and the flees cheered and roared
The Elephants were making love with the ginger cat next door
Richie Kavanagh was dancing Ballet at the end of me bed
I hope he doesn't fall on me if he does I'm surley dead.
Oh Janey what a nightmare, the strange things drink can do
Ming Flannigan became a Cardinal and Mick Wallace too
Mary Harney a reverned mother but it went byond a joke
When some bright spark suggested Enda Kenny for our Pope
There were all kind of animals crawling 'round me bed
I made a swipe at one of them got the missus on the head
Now divorce proceedings will take place and it's not me fault at all
'cause me buddies McHale and Irwin that's the blame for all.
[D]Oh never again never, [G]never again no more
Will [A]I go out drinking with them pair Of [D]hoors
I've a heartburn that would light a fire I can [G]hardly catch me breath
And I'm [A]letting farts with enough gas to fly a Jumbo Jet.
[In Seamus Moore's Version Of The Chords, he ups the key for the
remainder of the song to E. If you want to continue using my chords just
play the rest of the song using the guitar chords as above]
Well the room was spinning 'round on me and the ceiling falling in
Sure half me guts I do believe are outside in the bin
There's volcanic eruptions down there in me bowels
And it feels like Delany's Donkey has kicked me in the '''''
Well the wife she looked like Dracula, an improvement I suppose
And the bed sheets were ripped apart where I caught them in me toes
And the pounding in me head was just beyond belief
No Anadin or Aspro could ever relief.
Well I was rudely awakened when I heard the missus say
What the hell, are you still in bed, are you getting up today
I blinked me eyes then did realize I was alright now it seams
Sure all that stuff was in me head it was just a drunken dream
Sure all that stuff was in me head it was all a drunken dream.
My [A]buddies McHale an Irwin led me astray the night before
I [D]broke me way along the wall 'till I [G]found the bathroom door
Me [A]tongue stuck to the roof of me mouth, oh never again I swore.
I looked out the window, ah sure what else could I do,
Some rotten git had painted me little white van blue
I rubbed me eyes in disbelife afraid to shake me head
I jumped back into the nest and covered up me head.
Oh the rats were playing football and the flees cheered and roared
The Elephants were making love with the ginger cat next door
Richie Kavanagh was dancing Ballet at the end of me bed
I hope he doesn't fall on me if he does I'm surley dead.
Oh Janey what a nightmare, the strange things drink can do
Ming Flannigan became a Cardinal and Mick Wallace too
Mary Harney a reverned mother but it went byond a joke
When some bright spark suggested Enda Kenny for our Pope
There were all kind of animals crawling 'round me bed
I made a swipe at one of them got the missus on the head
Now divorce proceedings will take place and it's not me fault at all
'cause me buddies McHale and Irwin that's the blame for all.
[D]Oh never again never, [G]never again no more
Will [A]I go out drinking with them pair Of [D]hoors
I've a heartburn that would light a fire I can [G]hardly catch me breath
And I'm [A]letting farts with enough gas to fly a Jumbo Jet.
[In Seamus Moore's Version Of The Chords, he ups the key for the
remainder of the song to E. If you want to continue using my chords just
play the rest of the song using the guitar chords as above]
Well the room was spinning 'round on me and the ceiling falling in
Sure half me guts I do believe are outside in the bin
There's volcanic eruptions down there in me bowels
And it feels like Delany's Donkey has kicked me in the '''''
Well the wife she looked like Dracula, an improvement I suppose
And the bed sheets were ripped apart where I caught them in me toes
And the pounding in me head was just beyond belief
No Anadin or Aspro could ever relief.
Well I was rudely awakened when I heard the missus say
What the hell, are you still in bed, are you getting up today
I blinked me eyes then did realize I was alright now it seams
Sure all that stuff was in me head it was just a drunken dream
Sure all that stuff was in me head it was all a drunken dream.
Words and music by Frank Riggs