On The Dole Song Lyrics And Guitar Chords
Recorded by The Jolly Beggarmen. The Beggarmen had a few big hits back in the 80's one of which was The Inner City Song which is also on this site. The youtube video is by Paddy Sweeney who used to play with The Dublin City Ramblers.
I've (G)worked hard all my life I'll (C)tell to you no (Am)lie
Down (D)in the local dock yards (C)as a man and (G)boy
But (G)now the bosses tell me they'll (C)have to let me (Am)go
I'm (D)just another number I'm (C)signing on the (G)dole
On the (C)dole, on the dole, on the (G)dole, on the dole
It's enough to break a poor fella's heart and (D)soul
By the (G)time we pay the rent ma'am, the (C)grub, the gas, the coal
Sure there (G)isn't much left over when you're (D)signing on the (G)dole
Oh (G)Mary wants a new dress and (C)Johnny needs new (Am)shoes
And to (D)see little Charlie's bum sticking out (C)sure gives me the (G)blues
Some (G)how we'll have to manage on a (C)couple of (Am)bob
And (D)hope some day for better things if (C)I can get a (G)job
After (G)mass on Sunday morning through the (C)local forage (Am)yard
I've (D)only got about four quid it (C)won't go very (G)far
(G)Then it's home to dinner of (C)bangers, beans and (Am)mash
We (D)used to have the Sunday pint (C)when we had the (G)cash
This (G)thing they call recession when (C)is it going to (Am)end
It's (D)driving innocent people (C)half way round the (G)bend
They (G)say that it will take three years but (C)that seems far a(Am)way
While we (D)struggle on the make ends meet (C)every other (G)day.
Chorus twice.
Lyrics and chords N-R
Down (D)in the local dock yards (C)as a man and (G)boy
But (G)now the bosses tell me they'll (C)have to let me (Am)go
I'm (D)just another number I'm (C)signing on the (G)dole
On the (C)dole, on the dole, on the (G)dole, on the dole
It's enough to break a poor fella's heart and (D)soul
By the (G)time we pay the rent ma'am, the (C)grub, the gas, the coal
Sure there (G)isn't much left over when you're (D)signing on the (G)dole
Oh (G)Mary wants a new dress and (C)Johnny needs new (Am)shoes
And to (D)see little Charlie's bum sticking out (C)sure gives me the (G)blues
Some (G)how we'll have to manage on a (C)couple of (Am)bob
And (D)hope some day for better things if (C)I can get a (G)job
After (G)mass on Sunday morning through the (C)local forage (Am)yard
I've (D)only got about four quid it (C)won't go very (G)far
(G)Then it's home to dinner of (C)bangers, beans and (Am)mash
We (D)used to have the Sunday pint (C)when we had the (G)cash
This (G)thing they call recession when (C)is it going to (Am)end
It's (D)driving innocent people (C)half way round the (G)bend
They (G)say that it will take three years but (C)that seems far a(Am)way
While we (D)struggle on the make ends meet (C)every other (G)day.
Chorus twice.
Lyrics and chords N-R