Blackwaterside Lyrics And Guitar Chords
Traditional Irish Song.The ukulele chords are included for the key of G Major. Liam Clancy does a great version of this old song. The sheet music and tin whistle notes are included The Blackwater River is in Co.Cork. The youtube video is Liam singing Blackwaterside with the Clancy Brothers And Tommy Makem. I have included the guitar chords in three different keys for this song.
[G]One mor[C]ning[G] fair
As I[C] chanced the[D] air Down[C] by black[Am] water[D] side 'Twas in[C] gazing[G] all a[C]round [G]me That an[C] Irish[F] girl I[G] spied All in the fore part Of the night They rolled in sport and play Then this young man arose and he put on his clothes, Saying Far - el - dy well to-day. That's not the promise you made to me When you lay upon my breast; You could make me believe with your lying tongue That the sun rose in the west. Go home, go home to your father's garden, Go home and cry your fill; And think of the sad misfortune I brought on with my wanton will There's not a flower in this whole world As easily led as I; And when fishes can fly and seas do run dry, It is then that you'll marry I |
Here are the guitar chords in the key of D.
[D]One mor[G]ning[D] fair As I[G] chanced the[A] air Down[G] by black[Em] water[A] side 'Twas in[G] gazing[D] all a[G]round [D]me That an[G] Irish[C] girl I[D] spied And the key of C [C]One mor[F]ning[C] fair As I[F] chanced the[G] air Down[F] by black[Dm] water[G] side 'Twas in[F] gazing[C] all a[F]round [C]me That an[F] Irish[A#] girl I[C] spied |
Blackwater Side Ukulele Chords