Your Still The One Shania Twain Guitar Tab And Tin Whistle Sheet Music Notes
The first version of the sheet music is in the key of D Major and suited to the D Tin Whistle. The second version is in C and to be played only using a C whistle. I'd say on a scale of 1 to 10 and 10 being the most difficult, this tune is around a 4. The letter notes are embedded in the first version of the music. I have also added, for piano keyboard / melodica a different letter note version which shows what keys to play on the piano. [ All white and no black notes ] Guitar tab with chords in a pdf included.
The PDF has the full guitar tab and chords
youre_still_the_one_guitar-tab-and-chords.pdf |
You're still the one letter notes for piano keyboard / melodica-All White Notes
The version included below is in the key of C, so don't use any black notes if playing the song on the piano or piano accordion, [ no sharps or flats ]. The sheet music and notes are made especially for those who are still learning and are made in user friendly keys. Shania Twain's version is played in a different key and not at all suitable for playing on a tin whistle for example. You can also use these letter notes for playing other musical instruments such as the flute or recorder.