The People's Own M.P Irish Lyrics And Chords
Written by Bruce Scott
Bruce also wrote :Lowlands Of Flanders and My Liverpool Rose. The song is about Bobby Sands from Belfast who died on hunger strike in May 1981 after 66 days and became M.P for the area on 9 April 1961, not long after the election the British government introduced a law that stopped prisoners running for election, it must have been a bit of an embarrassment for Maggie Thatcher [ song lyrics ] to see a hunger striker being elected. Bobby received 30,493 votes. More than 100,000 people attended Bobby Sands funeral.
Bruce also wrote :Lowlands Of Flanders and My Liverpool Rose. The song is about Bobby Sands from Belfast who died on hunger strike in May 1981 after 66 days and became M.P for the area on 9 April 1961, not long after the election the British government introduced a law that stopped prisoners running for election, it must have been a bit of an embarrassment for Maggie Thatcher [ song lyrics ] to see a hunger striker being elected. Bobby received 30,493 votes. More than 100,000 people attended Bobby Sands funeral.

How[G] many more must[Em] die now,how[C] many more must we[G] lose
Before[G] the island[Em] people own[D] destiny can [G]choose
From[C] imortal Robert [G]Emmit to Bobby Sands M[D].P.
Who was[G] given 30,[Em]000 votes while[D] in cap[G]tivity
He was a[C] poet and a[G] soldier,he died corageous[D]ly
And we[G] gave him 30,[Em]000 votes while[D] in capt[G]ivity
Thomas Ashe gave everything in 1917
The lord mayor of Cork Mc Sweeney died his freedom to obtain
But never one of all our dead died more corageously
Than young Bobby Sands from Twinbrook the peoples own M.P.
No more he'll hear the larks sweet notes upon the Ulster air
Or gaze upon the snowflake pure to calm his deep dispair
Before he went on hunger strike young Bobby did compose
The hythm of time the weeping winds and the sleeping rose
Forever we'll remember him that man who died in pain
That his country North and South might be united once again
To mourn his to organise and built a movement strong
With ballot box and armalite with music and with song
Before[G] the island[Em] people own[D] destiny can [G]choose
From[C] imortal Robert [G]Emmit to Bobby Sands M[D].P.
Who was[G] given 30,[Em]000 votes while[D] in cap[G]tivity
He was a[C] poet and a[G] soldier,he died corageous[D]ly
And we[G] gave him 30,[Em]000 votes while[D] in capt[G]ivity
Thomas Ashe gave everything in 1917
The lord mayor of Cork Mc Sweeney died his freedom to obtain
But never one of all our dead died more corageously
Than young Bobby Sands from Twinbrook the peoples own M.P.
No more he'll hear the larks sweet notes upon the Ulster air
Or gaze upon the snowflake pure to calm his deep dispair
Before he went on hunger strike young Bobby did compose
The hythm of time the weeping winds and the sleeping rose
Forever we'll remember him that man who died in pain
That his country North and South might be united once again
To mourn his to organise and built a movement strong
With ballot box and armalite with music and with song
Here's the guitar chords for the key of D
How[D] many more must[Bm] die now,how[G] many more must we[D] lose
Before[D] the island[Bm] people own[A] destiny can [D]choose
From[G] imortal Robert [D]Emmit to Bobby Sands M[A].P.
Who was[D] given 30,[Bm]000 votes while[A] in cap[D]tivity
He was a[G] poet and a[D] soldier,he died corageous[A]ly
And we[D] gave him 30,[Bm]000 votes while[A] in capt[D]ivity
How[D] many more must[Bm] die now,how[G] many more must we[D] lose
Before[D] the island[Bm] people own[A] destiny can [D]choose
From[G] imortal Robert [D]Emmit to Bobby Sands M[A].P.
Who was[D] given 30,[Bm]000 votes while[A] in cap[D]tivity
He was a[G] poet and a[D] soldier,he died corageous[A]ly
And we[D] gave him 30,[Bm]000 votes while[A] in capt[D]ivity