The Iron Horse Lyrics And Chords
The Iron Horse Lyrics And Guitar Chords by Ewan McColl. But Ewan would be best known for writing Dirty Old Town Song . Also recorded by The McCalmans.In the original version by Ewan McColl the key is G#m. The key of G#m is a bit difficult for a lot of guitar players so I transposed the key of the song to a couple of different version.
Come [G#m]hieland men, come lowland [B]men come [F#]every man on earth [B]man
And I'll [Eb]tell you how I got on a[G#m]tween Dundee and Perth, man
I gaed upon an iron road, a rail they [F#]did it ca', man[G#m]
An' ruggit by an [Eb]iron horse, an awful beast to [G#m]draw, man
[Em]Then first and foremost near the door, there was a wee bit [B]wicket
It was there they [Eb]gar'd me pay my ride, and they gied [B]me a tic[Eb]ket
I gaed a[G#m]wa' up through a hoose, sat doon u[F#]pon a kist, man
Tae [G#m]tak' a look on all I saw on the [Eb]great big iron beast, ma[G#m]n
There was [Eb]hooses in a long straight raw, a' [F#]standing upon wheels, man[Eb]
And then the chiels that fed the horse were as black as a pair o' [G#m]de'ils, man
And the ne'er a thing they [Eb]gied the brute but only coals tae [F#]eat, man
He was the [B]queerest beast that [Eb]e'er I saw, for he had wheels for [G#m]feet, man
The [Eb]beast it roared and aff we gaed, through [C#]water, earth and [F#]stanes, man
We [Eb]ran at sic a fearfu' rate, I thocht we'd brake our [G#m]banes, man
Till by and by we [C#]stoppit at a [Eb]place ca'ed something [F#]Gowrie
But ne'er a [Eb]word had I tae say, but only sit and glower aye[G#m]
Then after [Eb]that we crossed the Tay and landit [C#]into Perth, [G#m]man
I vow it was the queerest [Eb]place that e'er I saw on earth, man
For the houses [G#m]and the iron horse were far a[Eb]boon the land, [G#m]man
And hoo they [Eb]got them up the stairs I canna [C#]understand, [G#m]man
[G#m]But noo I'm safely landit [Eb]and my feet are on the sod, [G#m]man
When I gang tae Dundee again I'll tak' anither road, [Eb]man
Though I should tramp upon my [G#m]feet till I'm nae [B]fit tae stand, [F#]man
Catch [Eb]me again when I'm ta'en in wi' a chap in a yellow band, [G#m]man
And I'll [Eb]tell you how I got on a[G#m]tween Dundee and Perth, man
I gaed upon an iron road, a rail they [F#]did it ca', man[G#m]
An' ruggit by an [Eb]iron horse, an awful beast to [G#m]draw, man
[Em]Then first and foremost near the door, there was a wee bit [B]wicket
It was there they [Eb]gar'd me pay my ride, and they gied [B]me a tic[Eb]ket
I gaed a[G#m]wa' up through a hoose, sat doon u[F#]pon a kist, man
Tae [G#m]tak' a look on all I saw on the [Eb]great big iron beast, ma[G#m]n
There was [Eb]hooses in a long straight raw, a' [F#]standing upon wheels, man[Eb]
And then the chiels that fed the horse were as black as a pair o' [G#m]de'ils, man
And the ne'er a thing they [Eb]gied the brute but only coals tae [F#]eat, man
He was the [B]queerest beast that [Eb]e'er I saw, for he had wheels for [G#m]feet, man
The [Eb]beast it roared and aff we gaed, through [C#]water, earth and [F#]stanes, man
We [Eb]ran at sic a fearfu' rate, I thocht we'd brake our [G#m]banes, man
Till by and by we [C#]stoppit at a [Eb]place ca'ed something [F#]Gowrie
But ne'er a [Eb]word had I tae say, but only sit and glower aye[G#m]
Then after [Eb]that we crossed the Tay and landit [C#]into Perth, [G#m]man
I vow it was the queerest [Eb]place that e'er I saw on earth, man
For the houses [G#m]and the iron horse were far a[Eb]boon the land, [G#m]man
And hoo they [Eb]got them up the stairs I canna [C#]understand, [G#m]man
[G#m]But noo I'm safely landit [Eb]and my feet are on the sod, [G#m]man
When I gang tae Dundee again I'll tak' anither road, [Eb]man
Though I should tramp upon my [G#m]feet till I'm nae [B]fit tae stand, [F#]man
Catch [Eb]me again when I'm ta'en in wi' a chap in a yellow band, [G#m]man
And again, here's another version of the chords.
Come [Am]hieland men, come lowland [C]men come [G]every man on earth [C]man
And I'll [E]tell you how I got on a[Am]tween Dundee and Perth, man
I gaed upon an iron road, a rail they [G]did it ca', man[Am]
An' ruggit by an [E]iron horse, an awful beast to [Am]draw, man
[Fm]Then first and foremost near the door, there was a wee bit [C]wicket
It was there they [E]gar'd me pay my ride, and they gied [C]me a tic[E]ket
I gaed a[Am]wa' up through a hoose, sat doon u[G]pon a kist, man
Tae [Am]tak' a look on all I saw on the [E]great big iron beast, ma[Am]n
There was [E]hooses in a long straight raw, a' [G]standing upon wheels, man[E]
And then the chiels that fed the horse were as black as a pair o' [Am]de'ils, man
And the ne'er a thing they [E]gied the brute but only coals tae [G]eat, man
He was the [C]queerest beast that [E]e'er I saw, for he had wheels for [Am]feet, man
The [E]beast it roared and aff we gaed, through [D]water, earth and [G]stanes, man
We [E]ran at sic a fearfu' rate, I thocht we'd brake our [Am]banes, man
Till by and by we [D]stoppit at a [E]place ca'ed something [G]Gowrie
But ne'er a [E]word had I tae say, but only sit and glower aye[Am]
Then after [E]that we crossed the Tay and landit [D]into Perth, [Am]man
I vow it was the queerest [E]place that e'er I saw on earth, man
For the houses [Am]and the iron horse were far a[E]boon the land, [Am]man
And hoo they [E]got them up the stairs I canna [D]understand, [Am]man
[Am]But noo I'm safely landit [E]and my feet are on the sod, [Am]man
When I gang tae Dundee again I'll tak' anither road, [E]man
Though I should tramp upon my [Am]feet till I'm nae [C]fit tae stand, [G]man
Catch [E]me again when I'm ta'en in wi' a chap in a yellow band, [Am]man
Come [Am]hieland men, come lowland [C]men come [G]every man on earth [C]man
And I'll [E]tell you how I got on a[Am]tween Dundee and Perth, man
I gaed upon an iron road, a rail they [G]did it ca', man[Am]
An' ruggit by an [E]iron horse, an awful beast to [Am]draw, man
[Fm]Then first and foremost near the door, there was a wee bit [C]wicket
It was there they [E]gar'd me pay my ride, and they gied [C]me a tic[E]ket
I gaed a[Am]wa' up through a hoose, sat doon u[G]pon a kist, man
Tae [Am]tak' a look on all I saw on the [E]great big iron beast, ma[Am]n
There was [E]hooses in a long straight raw, a' [G]standing upon wheels, man[E]
And then the chiels that fed the horse were as black as a pair o' [Am]de'ils, man
And the ne'er a thing they [E]gied the brute but only coals tae [G]eat, man
He was the [C]queerest beast that [E]e'er I saw, for he had wheels for [Am]feet, man
The [E]beast it roared and aff we gaed, through [D]water, earth and [G]stanes, man
We [E]ran at sic a fearfu' rate, I thocht we'd brake our [Am]banes, man
Till by and by we [D]stoppit at a [E]place ca'ed something [G]Gowrie
But ne'er a [E]word had I tae say, but only sit and glower aye[Am]
Then after [E]that we crossed the Tay and landit [D]into Perth, [Am]man
I vow it was the queerest [E]place that e'er I saw on earth, man
For the houses [Am]and the iron horse were far a[E]boon the land, [Am]man
And hoo they [E]got them up the stairs I canna [D]understand, [Am]man
[Am]But noo I'm safely landit [E]and my feet are on the sod, [Am]man
When I gang tae Dundee again I'll tak' anither road, [E]man
Though I should tramp upon my [Am]feet till I'm nae [C]fit tae stand, [G]man
Catch [E]me again when I'm ta'en in wi' a chap in a yellow band, [Am]man
Here are the chords in the key of A
Come [Bm]hieland men, come lowland [D]men come [A]every man on earth [D]man
And I'll [F#]tell you how I got on a[Bm]tween Dundee and Perth, man
I gaed upon an iron road, a rail they [A]did it ca', man[Bm]
An' ruggit by an [F#]iron horse, an awful beast to [Bm]draw, man
[Gm]Then first and foremost near the door, there was a wee bit [D]wicket
It was there they [F#]gar'd me pay my ride, and they gied [D]me a tic[F#]ket
I gaed a[Bm]wa' up through a hoose, sat doon u[A]pon a kist, man
Tae [Bm]tak' a look on all I saw on the [F#]great big iron beast, ma[Bm]n
There was [F#]hooses in a long straight raw, a' [A]standing upon wheels, man[F#]
And then the chiels that fed the horse were as black as a pair o' [Bm]de'ils, man
And the ne'er a thing they [F#]gied the brute but only coals tae [A]eat, man
He was the [D]queerest beast that [F#]e'er I saw, for he had wheels for [Bm]feet, man
The [F#]beast it roared and aff we gaed, through [E]water, earth and [A]stanes, man
We [F#]ran at sic a fearfu' rate, I thocht we'd brake our [Bm]banes, man
Till by and by we [E]stoppit at a [F#]place ca'ed something [A]Gowrie
But ne'er a [F#]word had I tae say, but only sit and glower aye[Bm]
Then after [F#]that we crossed the Tay and landit [E]into Perth, [Bm]man
I vow it was the queerest [F#]place that e'er I saw on earth, man
For the houses [Bm]and the iron horse were far a[F#]boon the land, [Bm]man
And hoo they [F#]got them up the stairs I canna [E]understand, [Bm]man
[Bm]But noo I'm safely landit [F#]and my feet are on the sod, [Bm]man
When I gang tae Dundee again I'll tak' anither road, [F#]man
Though I should tramp upon my [Bm]feet till I'm nae [D]fit tae stand, [A]man
Catch [F#]me again when I'm ta'en in wi' a chap in a yellow band, [Bm]man
Here's another version of the chords in Em.
Come [Em]hieland men, come lowland [G]men come [D]every man on earth [G]man
And I'll [B]tell you how I got on a[Em]tween Dundee and Perth, man
I gaed upon an iron road, a rail they [D]did it ca', man[Em]
An' ruggit by an [B]iron horse, an awful beast to [Em]draw, man
[Cm]Then first and foremost near the door, there was a wee bit [G]wicket
It was there they [B]gar'd me pay my ride, and they gied [G]me a tic[B]ket
I gaed a[Em]wa' up through a hoose, sat doon u[D]pon a kist, man
Tae [Em]tak' a look on all I saw on the [B]great big iron beast, ma[Em]n
There was [B]hooses in a long straight raw, a' [D]standing upon wheels, man[B]
And then the chiels that fed the horse were as black as a pair o' [Em]de'ils, man
And the ne'er a thing they [B]gied the brute but only coals tae [D]eat, man
He was the [G]queerest beast that [B]e'er I saw, for he had wheels for [Em]feet, man
The [B]beast it roared and aff we gaed, through [A]water, earth and [D]stanes, man
We [B]ran at sic a fearfu' rate, I thocht we'd brake our [Em]banes, man
Till by and by we [A]stoppit at a [B]place ca'ed something [D]Gowrie
But ne'er a [B]word had I tae say, but only sit and glower aye[Em]
Then after [B]that we crossed the Tay and landit [A]into Perth, [Em]man
I vow it was the queerest [B]place that e'er I saw on earth, man
For the houses [Em]and the iron horse were far a[B]boon the land, [Em]man
And hoo they [B]got them up the stairs I canna [A]understand, [Em]man
[Em]But noo I'm safely landit [B]and my feet are on the sod, [Em]man
When I gang tae Dundee again I'll tak' anither road, [B]man
Though I should tramp upon my [Em]feet till I'm nae [G]fit tae stand, [D]man
Catch [B]me again when I'm ta'en in wi' a chap in a yellow band, [Em]man
Come [Bm]hieland men, come lowland [D]men come [A]every man on earth [D]man
And I'll [F#]tell you how I got on a[Bm]tween Dundee and Perth, man
I gaed upon an iron road, a rail they [A]did it ca', man[Bm]
An' ruggit by an [F#]iron horse, an awful beast to [Bm]draw, man
[Gm]Then first and foremost near the door, there was a wee bit [D]wicket
It was there they [F#]gar'd me pay my ride, and they gied [D]me a tic[F#]ket
I gaed a[Bm]wa' up through a hoose, sat doon u[A]pon a kist, man
Tae [Bm]tak' a look on all I saw on the [F#]great big iron beast, ma[Bm]n
There was [F#]hooses in a long straight raw, a' [A]standing upon wheels, man[F#]
And then the chiels that fed the horse were as black as a pair o' [Bm]de'ils, man
And the ne'er a thing they [F#]gied the brute but only coals tae [A]eat, man
He was the [D]queerest beast that [F#]e'er I saw, for he had wheels for [Bm]feet, man
The [F#]beast it roared and aff we gaed, through [E]water, earth and [A]stanes, man
We [F#]ran at sic a fearfu' rate, I thocht we'd brake our [Bm]banes, man
Till by and by we [E]stoppit at a [F#]place ca'ed something [A]Gowrie
But ne'er a [F#]word had I tae say, but only sit and glower aye[Bm]
Then after [F#]that we crossed the Tay and landit [E]into Perth, [Bm]man
I vow it was the queerest [F#]place that e'er I saw on earth, man
For the houses [Bm]and the iron horse were far a[F#]boon the land, [Bm]man
And hoo they [F#]got them up the stairs I canna [E]understand, [Bm]man
[Bm]But noo I'm safely landit [F#]and my feet are on the sod, [Bm]man
When I gang tae Dundee again I'll tak' anither road, [F#]man
Though I should tramp upon my [Bm]feet till I'm nae [D]fit tae stand, [A]man
Catch [F#]me again when I'm ta'en in wi' a chap in a yellow band, [Bm]man
Here's another version of the chords in Em.
Come [Em]hieland men, come lowland [G]men come [D]every man on earth [G]man
And I'll [B]tell you how I got on a[Em]tween Dundee and Perth, man
I gaed upon an iron road, a rail they [D]did it ca', man[Em]
An' ruggit by an [B]iron horse, an awful beast to [Em]draw, man
[Cm]Then first and foremost near the door, there was a wee bit [G]wicket
It was there they [B]gar'd me pay my ride, and they gied [G]me a tic[B]ket
I gaed a[Em]wa' up through a hoose, sat doon u[D]pon a kist, man
Tae [Em]tak' a look on all I saw on the [B]great big iron beast, ma[Em]n
There was [B]hooses in a long straight raw, a' [D]standing upon wheels, man[B]
And then the chiels that fed the horse were as black as a pair o' [Em]de'ils, man
And the ne'er a thing they [B]gied the brute but only coals tae [D]eat, man
He was the [G]queerest beast that [B]e'er I saw, for he had wheels for [Em]feet, man
The [B]beast it roared and aff we gaed, through [A]water, earth and [D]stanes, man
We [B]ran at sic a fearfu' rate, I thocht we'd brake our [Em]banes, man
Till by and by we [A]stoppit at a [B]place ca'ed something [D]Gowrie
But ne'er a [B]word had I tae say, but only sit and glower aye[Em]
Then after [B]that we crossed the Tay and landit [A]into Perth, [Em]man
I vow it was the queerest [B]place that e'er I saw on earth, man
For the houses [Em]and the iron horse were far a[B]boon the land, [Em]man
And hoo they [B]got them up the stairs I canna [A]understand, [Em]man
[Em]But noo I'm safely landit [B]and my feet are on the sod, [Em]man
When I gang tae Dundee again I'll tak' anither road, [B]man
Though I should tramp upon my [Em]feet till I'm nae [G]fit tae stand, [D]man
Catch [B]me again when I'm ta'en in wi' a chap in a yellow band, [Em]man