Red River Valley sheet music - Tin Whistle Notes
Red river valley easy sheet music Solfege [ Do re mi ] notes now included plus the flute finger chart notes for beginners showing the finger position of each note which is an easy way to learn how to play this old classic song. A traditional American folk/cowboy song from the 1880s, recorded by many including Woddy Guthrie and Foster And Allen. I have included two different versions of this song. The first version is the one I'm most familiar with.The cello and viola sheet music is now included in G Major.Red river valley easy beginner piano / melodica notes now here, plus the ukulele tab in low G tuning. A PDF file of the piano sheet music with chords for beginners is included.
People often adapt a favorite folk song to their own locale. This song has been named and renamed for many different valleys and locations. Most contemporary versions use this title and, at least by implication, place the location at the Red River between Texas and Oklahoma. For a long time, most folk music scholars have gone along with an assumption that the song originated from another, "In the Bright Mohawk Valley" by James J. Kerrigan, published in 1896. But Canadian folk music specialist Edith Fowke, in her article "The Red River Valley Re-examined" (Western Folklore, vol. XXIII, No. 3), makes a convincing case for an earlier Canadian birthplace for the song. If she is correct, the original locale of the song may have been the Red River that flows into Lake Winnipeg.
The early versions Edith Fowke refers to and quotes appear to be the lament of a French-Indian maiden for a soldier who came, saw, conquered, and departed. The historical events that took place after 1869 at the Red River Settlement, in what is now the Province of Manitoba, support the story line and make it more powerful in that context. The words of the earlier versions are not particularly stronger than those used today, however - with some exceptions:
People often adapt a favorite folk song to their own locale. This song has been named and renamed for many different valleys and locations. Most contemporary versions use this title and, at least by implication, place the location at the Red River between Texas and Oklahoma. For a long time, most folk music scholars have gone along with an assumption that the song originated from another, "In the Bright Mohawk Valley" by James J. Kerrigan, published in 1896. But Canadian folk music specialist Edith Fowke, in her article "The Red River Valley Re-examined" (Western Folklore, vol. XXIII, No. 3), makes a convincing case for an earlier Canadian birthplace for the song. If she is correct, the original locale of the song may have been the Red River that flows into Lake Winnipeg.
The early versions Edith Fowke refers to and quotes appear to be the lament of a French-Indian maiden for a soldier who came, saw, conquered, and departed. The historical events that took place after 1869 at the Red River Settlement, in what is now the Province of Manitoba, support the story line and make it more powerful in that context. The words of the earlier versions are not particularly stronger than those used today, however - with some exceptions:
Red river valley beginner piano keyboard / melodica notes. An American folk song.
Red river valley piano and tin whistle sheet music notes in the key of G Major with the chords and lyrics. If playing the following version on your tin whistle use the D.
Below is the list of sheet music and tin whistle songs that are in my ebooks. This is the largest collection of tin whistle songs ever put together.[over 800 songs ] Including folk, pop and trad tunes plus German And French songs along with Christmas Carols.
All of the sheet music tabs have been made as easy to play as was possible.
The price of the ebooks is €7.50
All of the sheet music tabs have been made as easy to play as was possible.
The price of the ebooks is €7.50
The flute finger position chart is included below for beginners
Red river valley ukulele tab in Low G Tuning

red-river-valley-piano-sheet-music-with-chords.pdf |
Red river valley easy piano sheet music Solfege [ do re mi ] letter notes
Cello sheet music for Red River Valley in G Major
Red river valley viola sheet music