(Lesley Nelson-Burns) Gilderoy, the hero of the ballad, was a freebooter in Perthshire. He and five of his gang were hanged at the Gallowlee, between Leith and Edinburgh, in July 1638. Guitar chords by Marc Fahrbach. The sheet music is included. The song was covered by Shirley And Dolly Collins who also sang Geordie Song .
Gilderoy Song Words And Chords In Em
The (Em)last, the (G)dreaded (Em)hour is (Am)come, That (G)bears my (Am)love from (D)me(D7) I (Em)hear the (G)dead note (Em)of the (G)drum, I (Am)mark the (D)fatal (Em)tree. The (G)bell has (D)toll'd; it (Am)shakes my (D)heart; The (G)trumpet (Am)speaks thy (D)name: (D7) And (Em)must my (G)Gilde(Em)roy de(G)part, To (Am)bear a (D)death of (Em)shame! No (Em)bosom (G)trembles (Em)for thy (Am)doom; No (G)mourner (Am)wipes a (D)tear; (D7) The (Em)gallows' (G)foot is (Em)all they (G)tomb, The (Am)sledge is (D)all thy (Em)bier. Oh (G)Gilde(D)roy! I be(Am)thought we (D)then So (G)soon, so (Am)sad to (D)part, (D7) When (Em)first in (G)Roslin's (Em)lovely (G)glen You (Am)triumph'd (D)o'er my (Em)heart? Your (Em)locks they (G)glitter'd (Em)to the (Am)sheen, Your (G)hunter (Am)garb was (D)trim; (D7) And (Em)graceful (G)was the (Em)ribbon (G)green, That (Am)bound your (D)many (Em)limb! Ah! (G)little (D)thought I (Am)to de(D)plore Those (G)limbs in (Am)fetters (D)bound; (D7) Or (Em)hear, u(G)pon the (Em)scaffold (G)floor, The (Am)midnight (D)hammer (Em)sound. Ye (Em)cruel, (G)cruel, (Em)that com(Am)bined The (G)guiltless (Am)to pur(D)sue; (D7) My (Em)Gilde(G)roy was (Em)ever (G)kind, He (Am)could not (D)injure (Em)you! A (G)long a(D)dieu! but (Am)where shall (D)fly Thy (G)widow (Am)all for(D)lorn, (D7) When (Em)ev'ry (G)mean and (Em)cruel (G)eye Re(Am)gards my (D)wo with (Em)scorn? Yes! (Em)they will (G)mock thy (Em)widow's (Am)tears, And (G)hate thine (Am)orphan (D)boy; (D7) A(Em)las! his (G)infant (Em)beauty (G)wears The (Am)form of (D)Gilde(Em)roy. Then (G)will I (D)seek the (Am)dreary (D)mound That (G)wraps thy (Am)mouldering (D)clay, (D7) And (Em)weep and (G)linger (Em)on the (G)ground, And (Am)sigh my (D)heart a(Em)way. |
Gilderoy Chords In Am
The (Am)last, the (C)dreaded (Am)hour is (Dm)come, That (C)bears my (Dm)love from (G)me(G7) I (Am)hear the (C)dead note (Am)of the (C)drum, I (Dm)mark the (G)fatal (Am)tree. The (C)bell has (G)toll'd; it (Dm)shakes my (G)heart; The (C)trumpet (Dm)speaks thy (G)name: (G7) And (Am)must my (C)Gilde(Am)roy de(C)part, To (Dm)bear a (G)death of (Am)shame! No (Am)bosom (C)trembles (Am)for thy (Dm)doom; No (C)mourner (Dm)wipes a (G)tear; (G7) The (Am)gallows' (C)foot is (Am)all they (C)tomb, The (Dm)sledge is (G)all thy (Am)bier. Oh (C)Gilde(G)roy! I be(Dm)thought we (G)then So (C)soon, so (Dm)sad to (G)part, (G7) When (Am)first in (C)Roslin's (Am)lovely (C)glen You (Dm)triumph'd (G)o'er my (Am)heart? Your (Am)locks they (C)glitter'd (Am)to the (Dm)sheen, Your (C)hunter (Dm)garb was (G)trim; (G7) And (Am)graceful (C)was the (Am)ribbon (C)green, That (Dm)bound your (G)many (Am)limb! Ah! (C)little (G)thought I (Dm)to de(G)plore Those (C)limbs in (Dm)fetters (G)bound; (G7) Or (Am)hear, u(C)pon the (Am)scaffold (C)floor, The (Dm)midnight (G)hammer (Am)sound. Ye (Am)cruel, (C)cruel, (Am)that com(Dm)bined The (C)guiltless (Dm)to pur(G)sue; (G7) My (Am)Gilde(C)roy was (Am)ever (C)kind, He (Dm)could not (G)injure (Am)you! A (C)long a(G)dieu! but (Dm)where shall (G)fly Thy (C)widow (Dm)all for(G)lorn, (G7) When (Am)ev'ry (C)mean and (Am)cruel (C)eye Re(Dm)gards my (G)wo with (Am)scorn? Yes! (Am)they will (C)mock thy (Am)widow's (Dm)tears, And (C)hate thine (Dm)orphan (G)boy; (G7) A(Am)las! his (C)infant (Am)beauty (C)wears The (Dm)form of (G)Gilde(Am)roy. Then (C)will I (G)seek the (Dm)dreary (G)mound That (C)wraps thy (Dm)mouldering (G)clay, (G7) And (Am)weep and (C)linger (Am)on the (C)ground, And (Dm)sigh my (G)heart a(Am)way. |
Gilderoy Sheet Music Notes
Gilderoy sheet music notes in solfege, a traditional Scottish song