Dublin O'Shea Song Lyrics And Chords, Recorded By The Irish Rovers
A Typical sea shanty Irish folk song. DUBLIN O’SHEA 3/4 timing by the ballad group the (Irish Rovers) Other good Dublin songs here include Molly Malone Song which was a big hit for The Dubliners .
Chorus: (D)Have another drink, boys, well (G)have one with (D)me We're (G)home from the (D)sea, yes, we're (A)back on the (A7)shore And if (D)you get too drunk, boys, in (G)this company(D)y You'll (Dm)roar 'round Cape (G)Horn on the Rory O'(D)Mor. He (D)lived on the dockside near (G)Liverpool (D)town And he (G)always went (D)down, to the (A)thief and the (A7)vagabond (D)Everyone knew him as (G)Dublin O'(D)Shea But (Dm)some say he (G)came from Kill(D)arney. Chorus I sing of an Irishman honest and plain But what's in the name when you think of the man himself He was a sailor and he drank with the same, And he mastered the fine art of blarney. Chorus He was a lay preacher and a God-fearin' man With a drink in his hand what a terrible sinner He'd drink to the Devil and spit in your eye, Then go to confession on Friday. Chorus For ramblin' and rovin' there's none to compare, If you'd met him you'd swear that the man was a saint But if you could just see him in some foreign bar You'd swear he was the High King of Ireland. |
Alternative guitar chords in the key of G
(G)Have another drink, boys, well (C)have one with (G)me We're (C)home from the (G)sea, yes, we're (D)back on the (D7)shore And if (G)you get too drunk, boys, in (C)this company(G)y You'll (Gm)roar 'round Cape (C)Horn on the Rory O'(G)Mor. He (G)lived on the dockside near (C)Liverpool (G)town And he (C)always went (G)down, to the (D)thief and the (D7)vagabond (G)Everyone knew him as (C)Dublin O'(G)Shea But (Gm)some say he (C)came from Kill(G)arney. Key of A (A)Have another drink, boys, well (D)have one with (A)me We're (D)home from the (A)sea, yes, we're (E)back on the (E7)shore And if (A)you get too drunk, boys, in (D)this company(A)y You'll (Am)roar 'round Cape (D)Horn on the Rory O'(A)Mor. He (A)lived on the dockside near (D)Liverpool (A)town And he (D)always went (A)down, to the (E)thief and the (E7)vagabond (A)Everyone knew him as (D)Dublin O'(A)Shea But (Am)some say he (D)came from Kill(A)arney. |