Do Re Me Tin Whistle Notes From The Sound Of Music
How To Play Do re mi using piano keyboard / melodica letter notes. The do re mi song easy flute notes with finger positions for beginners included. The first piece of sheet music is in the key of D and the next set of notes is in G. The do re me song mandolin sheet music tab is also included. Both of them are set up to be played on a D whistle. The song is from the movie The Sound Of Music which is regarded as one of the most popular films of all time. The singer of this song in the movie is Julie Andrews. The letter notes are suitable for flute or recorder. I have now added the violin tab for beginners which shows where to put your fingers on each string. Do re me song tenor guitar / mandola tab in CGDA Tuning included plus the ukulele tab in low G tuning.
Below is the list of sheet music and tin whistle songs that are in my ebooks. This is the largest collection of tin whistle songs ever put together.[over 800 songs ] Including folk, pop and trad tunes plus German And French songs along with Christmas Carols.
All of the sheet music tabs have been made as easy to play as was possible.
The price of the ebooks is €7.50
All of the sheet music tabs have been made as easy to play as was possible.
The price of the ebooks is €7.50
How To Play Do Re Me with easy piano keyboard / melodica letter notes.
If you use letter notes then my pdf ebook of letter notes may be for you.
Do Re Me Tin Whistle Sheet Music Notes In The Key Of G
Below is the list of songs from The Flute Ebook which shows the
finger position chart for each note. There's no need to be abel
to read sheet music to play any of these songs as the letters and numbers show you.
The price is €2.50
Martin [ Keeping things simple and very affordable ]
finger position chart for each note. There's no need to be abel
to read sheet music to play any of these songs as the letters and numbers show you.
The price is €2.50
Martin [ Keeping things simple and very affordable ]
Included below is the ukulele tab in low G tuning.
The version below is the tenor guitar / mandola tab in CGDA Tuning