Come All Ye Faithful lyrics And chords
Come All Ye Faithful lyrics and easy guitar chords. Written by John Wade in 1743, music by John Reading the youtube video is Nat King Cole. Although this site is mainly for Irish and folk songs, at times I will drift off into other music when I get a request. Recently recorded by Angelo Kelly and family at a faster pace. The ukulele guitar chords for the key of G in chordpro are included. Come All Ye Faithful Tin Whistle Sheet Music
[G]Oh come all [D]ye faith[G]ful, [D]joyful [G]and [C]tri[G]umph[D]ant,
Oh [Em]come [D]ye, [A]oh [D]come ye [G]to [D]Beth[A7]le[D]hem.
[G]Come [Am]and [G]beh[D7]old [G]him, [D]born [G]the Em]king [A]of [D]angels,
cho: Oh [G]come let us adore him, oh come [D]let [G]us [C]ad[G]ore [D]him
Oh come [D]let [G]us [C]ad[G]ore [D]him, [G]Chri[D7]st the [G]lord.
Sing, choirs of angels, sing with exultation's,
Sing all ye citizens of heav'n above.
Glory to God, in the highest
Yea, Lord we greet thee, born this happy morning,
Jesus, to thee be glory giv'n
Word of the father, now In flesh appearing
Adeste fideles, laete triumphantes
Venite, venite in Bethlehem.
Natum videte, Regem anglelorum
Venite adoremus
Venite adoremus, venite adoremus, Dominum.
[G]Oh come all [D]ye faith[G]ful, [D]joyful [G]and [C]tri[G]umph[D]ant,
Oh [Em]come [D]ye, [A]oh [D]come ye [G]to [D]Beth[A7]le[D]hem.
[G]Come [Am]and [G]beh[D7]old [G]him, [D]born [G]the Em]king [A]of [D]angels,
cho: Oh [G]come let us adore him, oh come [D]let [G]us [C]ad[G]ore [D]him
Oh come [D]let [G]us [C]ad[G]ore [D]him, [G]Chri[D7]st the [G]lord.
Sing, choirs of angels, sing with exultation's,
Sing all ye citizens of heav'n above.
Glory to God, in the highest
Yea, Lord we greet thee, born this happy morning,
Jesus, to thee be glory giv'n
Word of the father, now In flesh appearing
Adeste fideles, laete triumphantes
Venite, venite in Bethlehem.
Natum videte, Regem anglelorum
Venite adoremus
Venite adoremus, venite adoremus, Dominum.
Here are the guitar chords in the key of D
[D]Oh come all [A]ye faith[D]ful, [A]joyful [D]and [G]tri[D]umph[A]ant,
Oh [Bm]come [A]ye, [E]oh [A]come ye [D]to [A]Beth[E7]le[A]hem.
[D]Come [Em]and [D]beh[A7]old [D]him, [A]born [D]the [Bm]king [E]of [A]angels,
Oh [D]come let us adore him, oh come [A]let [D]us [G]ad[D]ore [A]him
Oh come [A]let [D]us [G]ad[D]ore [A]him, [D]Chri[A7]st the [D]l
Key of C
[C]Oh come all [G]ye faith[C]ful, [G]joyful [C]and [F]tri[C]umph[G]ant,
Oh [Am]come [G]ye, [D]oh [G]come ye [C]to [G]Beth[D7]le[G]hem.
[C]Come [Dm]and [C]beh[G7]old [C]him, [G]born [C]the [Am]king [D]of [G]angels,
Oh [C]come let us adore him, oh come [G]let [C]us [F]ad[C]ore [G]him
Oh come [G]let [C]us [F]ad[C]ore [G]him, [C]Chri[G7]st the [C]l
[D]Oh come all [A]ye faith[D]ful, [A]joyful [D]and [G]tri[D]umph[A]ant,
Oh [Bm]come [A]ye, [E]oh [A]come ye [D]to [A]Beth[E7]le[A]hem.
[D]Come [Em]and [D]beh[A7]old [D]him, [A]born [D]the [Bm]king [E]of [A]angels,
Oh [D]come let us adore him, oh come [A]let [D]us [G]ad[D]ore [A]him
Oh come [A]let [D]us [G]ad[D]ore [A]him, [D]Chri[A7]st the [D]l
Key of C
[C]Oh come all [G]ye faith[C]ful, [G]joyful [C]and [F]tri[C]umph[G]ant,
Oh [Am]come [G]ye, [D]oh [G]come ye [C]to [G]Beth[D7]le[G]hem.
[C]Come [Dm]and [C]beh[G7]old [C]him, [G]born [C]the [Am]king [D]of [G]angels,
Oh [C]come let us adore him, oh come [G]let [C]us [F]ad[C]ore [G]him
Oh come [G]let [C]us [F]ad[C]ore [G]him, [C]Chri[G7]st the [C]l
Here the easy guitar chords as played by Angelo Kelly And Family
[G]Oh come all ye [D]faithful, [Em]joyful and [G]triumphant,
Oh come ye, oh [D]come ye to Bethlehem.
Come and beh[G]old him, born the Em]king of [D]angels,
cho: Oh [G]come let us adore him, oh come let us adore him
Oh [Em]come let us ad[C]ore him, [G]Christ the lord.
[G]Oh come all ye [D]faithful, [Em]joyful and [G]triumphant,
Oh come ye, oh [D]come ye to Bethlehem.
Come and beh[G]old him, born the Em]king of [D]angels,
cho: Oh [G]come let us adore him, oh come let us adore him
Oh [Em]come let us ad[C]ore him, [G]Christ the lord.