As Soon As I Can lyrics and Chords by Johnny McEvoy
As Soon As I Can Song Lyrics And Guitar Chords by Johnny McEvoy, from the album Going To California, The youtube video is by Lee Broaders, great singing Lee. The song was also covered by singer Thomas Doran. Back to my lyrics and chords for Johnny McEvoy songs.
I've [G]walked the soles off my[D] feet on these [C]dark London streets
In[G] search for a room and a [D]bed,
And my [G]heart grows so [D]weary, with these]G] nights cold and[C] dreary,
All I [G]want is to [D]lay down my[G] head.
CHORUS: I can [D]see by your face that you're [C]leaving this [G]place,
And you're taking the overnight[D] train.
If you[G] should meet my [D]mother, will you[G] tell her I [C]love her
And I'll [G]write just as [D]soon as I [G]can?
Six months in this city, God knows there's no pity
When you haven't a bob of your own,
And there's no need for locks on this old cardboard box
Even though it's a place I call home.
Outside Paddington Station, my heart it is breaking,
And I can't tell my tears from the rain,
And the jingle and jangle of the damned old triangle
Keeps ringing around in my brain.
I've [G]walked the soles off my[D] feet on these [C]dark London streets
In[G] search for a room and a [D]bed,
And my [G]heart grows so [D]weary, with these]G] nights cold and[C] dreary,
All I [G]want is to [D]lay down my[G] head.
CHORUS: I can [D]see by your face that you're [C]leaving this [G]place,
And you're taking the overnight[D] train.
If you[G] should meet my [D]mother, will you[G] tell her I [C]love her
And I'll [G]write just as [D]soon as I [G]can?
Six months in this city, God knows there's no pity
When you haven't a bob of your own,
And there's no need for locks on this old cardboard box
Even though it's a place I call home.
Outside Paddington Station, my heart it is breaking,
And I can't tell my tears from the rain,
And the jingle and jangle of the damned old triangle
Keeps ringing around in my brain.