Always There Lyrics And Guitar Chords by Secret Garden
Chords by Angela. The chord A/A7 simple means go from A to A7 as you wish just to break up the beat of the song. You can just as easy stay playing the A
When I'm (D) less than (D4) I should (D) be
And I just can't (G) face the (A7/A) day
When (Em) darkness (D) falls a(G)round (D) me
And I (Em) just can't (G) find my (A7/A)way
when my (D) eyes don't (D4) clearly (D) see
And I stumble (G) through it (A7/A)all
You I (em) leaned u(D)pon,You (G) keep me (D) strong
And you (em) rise me (G) when I (D) fall
You are (G) there when I most (A) need you
You are (G) there so constant(A)ly
You come (G) shining (A) through,
You al(G)ways (A) do.....
You are (Em) always (G) there for (D) me
When life brings me to my knees
When my back against the wall
You are standing there right with me
Just to keep me standing tall
Though a burden I may be
You don't weary you don't rest
You are reaching out to carry me
And I know my heaven-blest
Here are alternative guitar chords for the key of G Major.
When I'm (G) less than (G4) I should (G) be
And I just can't (C) face the (D7/D) day
When (Am) darkness (G) falls a(C)round (G) me
And I (Am) just can't (C) find my (D7/D)way
when my (G) eyes don't (G4) clearly (G) see
And I stumble (C) through it (D7/D)all
You I (em) leaned u(G)pon,You (C) keep me (G) strong
And you (em) rise me (C) when I (G) fall
You are (C) there when I most (D) need you
You are (C) there so constant(D)ly
You come (C) shining (D) through,
You al(C)ways (D) do.....
You are (Am) always (C) there for (G) me
When I'm (G) less than (G4) I should (G) be
And I just can't (C) face the (D7/D) day
When (Am) darkness (G) falls a(C)round (G) me
And I (Am) just can't (C) find my (D7/D)way
when my (G) eyes don't (G4) clearly (G) see
And I stumble (C) through it (D7/D)all
You I (em) leaned u(G)pon,You (C) keep me (G) strong
And you (em) rise me (C) when I (G) fall
You are (C) there when I most (D) need you
You are (C) there so constant(D)ly
You come (C) shining (D) through,
You al(C)ways (D) do.....
You are (Am) always (C) there for (G) me